Pixels & Photos Trip

Visiting Venice

IMG_4239AEven though I booked Italy with great joy and excitement, I left YVR with great trepidation.

I wasn’t sure what to expect, I heard it was insanely expensive, I didn’t speak the language, I was very worried about the bike riding portion and after being away for 3 solid weeks, I return home for 12 hrs then my boyfriend leaves for 3.5 weeks for his own adventure.

I arrived in Venice to a less than pleasant production. As I got onto my first Vaporetto (somewhat water taxi) I was berated by the operator, in Italian, of course, but because I didn’t understand a word she was saying, I simply ignored her and sat quite contently as we traveled down the breath-taking Grand Canal.

Yes I went alil photo crazy at my first glimpses of Venice; it is truly magnificent.

My next rough patch occurred as I tried to find the monastery I was staying at for the Venice Gondolanext 5 days, after debarking from the water taxi (technically, not a water taxi but it gives you the idea of what I was on) . I was sent instructions on how to find the monastery but sadly when you get off the taxi at the infamous Rialto Bridge to busiest stop on the whole Canal, I was disoriented the second I arrived. Instantly I started asking people for help, showing them my sheet of ENGLISH instructions as well as the name and address; hoping it will rings bells with someone. No one offered any help and were actually pretty rude esp the woman… so as much as I hate to resort to it, I had to play the helpless female card. I was exhausted, pulling my HUGE suitcase and have been travelling for 16hrs, looked like hell, I assume and trying to put on the charm…lol, no wonder it took me longer than normal.

A very sweet guy took pity on me, recognized the street and kindly walked all the way to the monastery. I have never been more grateful and as soon we arrived it became very clear why no one knew where it was. That doorway/alcove is the WHOLE street ..literally. That’s it! Again so very grateful to that kind stranger who got me home after an insanely long couple days.

Venetian MonasteryThe monastery was interesting… it was simple and exactly as advertised and exactly what I needed. The sisters were very sweet even though only one spoke English, the rest of us made it work. They had sketchy wi-fi but only in the common room.

We had access to a full kitchen and we were approx half a block to a Grocery Co-op. The location actually was ideal and central… lol I think. Everything in Venice is within walking distance but this was only about 5mins to the Rialto Bridge, which seemed to be the central hub. I never felt comfortable about our location and my ability to find my way back everyday. I forced myself to go the same way to and from because I ALWAYS  felt (and got) lost. Maps were useless because of all the little streets and campos and alleys. (true story: I got home from the bridge one way and went back to the bridge a totally different way… I couldn’t trace my way back properly from the direction that i just arrived from; it was insane. So I found a route that worked coming and a different one for going and just continue to use the same routes everything day… it was embarrassing but true) . Here’s a link to a video about it all…

Appetizers in the Jewish GhettoI took a few different tours through Viators and enjoyed them all. I met some great people and had fun everyday with them, even on the Wine and Appie Tour thru the Jewish Ghetto were we got really bad wine and bizarre food… we just laughed about it and went out for real food afterwards but seeing and learning the history of the ghetto was cool.

I also had the opportunity the learn how to be an actual Venetian Gondolier. I was so excited… we even bought a GoPro so I coudl capture the whole thing. I got to the marina and met my teacher, lovely lady that spent some time going over all components of the gondola and lots of time practicing before we headed out to the Canal. Thats right the actual Grand Canal … I steered my own gondola on the Grand Canal… friggin awesome!! And here is the video…sort of

Of course, there are many many shots of Venice, I would like to share becasue it really was beautiful but this trip was long and there were so many parts that I want to share and I really want to walk the fine line of not boring you either 🙂

Thanks so much for allowing me to continue to share my adventures with you,

Carole Mac


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