New Thing PaperCrafting Pasta & Lifestyle personal Scrapbooking

Recap of January … WOW and it’s all gone…


(this recap was posted in March but created in January for the most part… be prepared, it’s long)

So January in my lil world was a whirl wind, as hard as I tried to maintain my regular schedule of LIFE… it sssooooo didn’t happen.

This working 2 jobs (both full time, right now… uugghh) BLOWS… not just sucks but friggin BLOWS!! I had to cancel (or reschedule) a couple nights out with friends due to exhaustion… I even tried to convince Julian that sitting in my office talking one afternoon was more fun than our usual hockey game in the hall (he wasn’t buying it) because I had just worked 5 days straight at the store and was again, exhausted… plus I had done NOTHING towards my new 2014 goal of working out more (or at least some… which, of course, would be MORE) ….but to date, I have done nothing…uugghh

HOWEVER>>> a wee little bit of fun was still had by yours truly… so here’s a small recap of a couple adventures.

Healthy Movie BsktsMy first week of working 5 FULL days this January ‘almost’ cost me a very large order. I was beside myself with angst over the thought of it … hhmm, well that sounds better than what was actually going on… I was fuming mad and was determined, in my mind, I wasn’t gonna lose this order.

So I busted my a$$ to get it done, as I promised… and started delivering at 7pm to the hotels and private residences and didn’t finish until approx 930p… BUT most importantly, I got ‘er done!! 18 health conscious baskets found homes, yippee. It was bed early afterwards becasue I had to be at the store at 5a:)


GrouseMtnThank you I did find time to find some fun times  this month even though it strted with such drama :)… Tracy and I headed up Grouse Mtn for DineOut Vancouver for snowshoeing and fondue. There was a great guided hike with tons of great info… about the Mtn, its flora and fauna as well as its wildlife. Then we went on to the observatory where they had a lovely spread set up at each table incl cheese fondue and an assortment of breads, chicken as well as vegetable stock with a huge selection of proteins and veggies then after you are overly stuffed they brought out the chocolate fondue with cookies and cakes… just heavenly and so much fun. Also I did have to apologize to Tracy during the meal, because I was rudely texting my new love-interest and just couldn’t stop… very rude… but really crazy about this guy. Bad Carole!



BearTourPLUS I started getting lil signs that this might be the year for the Grizzly Bear Photo safari… like 2 of my reg photo mags had articles on bear and outdoor locations, I rec’d an email from a friend asking if I’d be interested in taking one with him, and more so I took the plunge, paid for it and booked it. Because you know me, I always gotta follow the signs…

Also did some shopping down south, and truly went with the intent of NOT buying black or grey… well, clearly THAT didn’t happen. I just can’t stop myself… i loved everything  🙂


Black n Grey


Then had one of the best weekends ever… it was spend with the one and only Donna Downey… the brilliant, hilarious, infamous multi-media artist extraordinaire and all round friggin awesome person!! We hit it off immediately since we met prior to class starting… then I met her hubby Bill, whom I also fell in love with. What a dynamic amazing and insanely fun couple!! He is crazy supportive of her business and her and they are clearly so in love it is nice to be around vs everyone that usually just ‘disses’ their partners.

Donna and BillWe learned really fun and very useful techniques… she is brilliant at explaining what medium goes with what and what just doesn’t … yep that’s a toilet paper roll in the corner. She encouraged us to just PLAY… even though I am more of a rules girl…Do this, and Do that then THIS happens… but D says just throw it on the page and see what happens… scared the crap out of me 🙂



PlayingwithPaintThis is the journal (below) she had us make from scratch… made from a  cardboard box…I was so excited with how it started to turn out …



My 2014 Journal Of course, I also had her sign my art smock.. the only other instructor I have let sign my shirt is Dina Wakely so this was very fitting.  Actually its super cute because she asked who the other autograph was from … I said Dina… she giggled and said ‘Oh perfect’… my thoughts exactly, since we knew that I didn’t ask a few instructors to sign it…teeheehee, such an elitest!! lol



Shirt SigningIt really is a crap-shoot when meeting an idol.. whether it’s an artist, an author, a business professional or celebrity… there is a chance you will be disappointed when you get to know THEM vs the person you have created in your head.

But nothing about Donna Downey disappointed, she was everything I KNEW and HOPED she would be!!


Hugging BearsThen Doris and I headed to Whistler for an incredible weekend filled with boys, wine and fun!! Yep, pretty sums it up… with of course, an agreement that we will do it all again next yr without my commitment to work at 6am the next morning… uuggh, that was rough!


WineOfferingsThen Doris also very sweetly drove me out the Eagle Sanctuary so I could get some photos …sadly, we didn’t see any eagles close enough or worth grabbing since I didn’t have my big zoom but it was still a great drive with lovely scenery and, of course, perfect company.
During the Whistler weekend, I was a touch ‘pre occupied’ with a ‘specific’ situation at home but Doris was so perfect in understanding and being the best possible sounding board and voice of reason!! Thx D!!

So even though the month started with some great drama… it actually got loads better and I ended the month with a twinkle in my eye.
Here is my scrapbook layout of recap:


Thanks for checking in,
Hugs, Carole

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