New Thing Pasta & Lifestyle

Love me some PINTEREST… Do you?

Pinterest VancouverScraps

It’s no secret I LOVE PINTEREST… if you don’t know what it is.

Well, let me explain… PINTEREST is a plethora of eye candy from amazing new yummy recipes, scrapbooking ideas, travel tips and inspirations, home DIY projects, art stuff and sssoooo much more!!!)  You find friends or people you are interested in following… who’s style you admire, you love their recipes,love their DIY projects, etc then you choose to follow their boards and boards are were we post all the amazing, fun, cool stuff we find on the web. Sort of like your bookmark bar but a ton more organized and a million times more visually pleasing. My boards are in the name of  ‘vancouverscraps’ – so if you have any interest in scrapbooking, art journaling, photography tips and inspiration as well as travel tips, adventure etc then follow me.

garlic butter croutonsSo many people lose track of time (or their day) 🙂 on  my Facebook, well, that it is PINTEREST for me… 20mins becomes 2hrs and I don’t even notice… I am literally on it every single day!! I have close to 3000 pins and over 1000 likes… ‘Likes’ mean they haven’t been pinned yet because I just need to check the source or their usefulness and if it is exactly what you are looking for.I have been on Pinterest since the BETA stage and have some projects, recipes and home projects that I really love and am so excited to share them with you. (click on the linked text)

Ok, first and formeost must be -actually, as I type this I am snacking… yes, snacking on croutons… I know, I know; croutons… but you must try these amazing morsels. Garlic Butter Croutons

They are divine… and you won’t be able to save them for just salads, I promise. I am picturing them crumbled on top mac n cheese and more. Sadly mine have never made it there… but truly, I am picture it. lol


I make these roasted potatoes (click the name) for my man and holy crap, they were good.  They were so flipping good that even though, as stated, I made them pretty much only for him, DrippingFlowers Abstract ArtI ate way more than my portion as they came out of the oven, as they cooled on top of the stove, before even hitting the table. I cook them longer than the recipe calls for and I just watch them to get super crispy because I LOVE crispy!! Very worth the effort.

This abstract art piece (click on name to view) of the bright dripping florals caught my eye one day and I tried to do my own version of it when Doris and I were out at Raw Canvas one night – after some yummy munchies and a couple glasses of wine this (pictured to the left) was my result.

Of course, mine needed to be much less bright and in my neutral palate so I could hang it in the living room  if I like how it turned out… and I do plus we had a ton of fun, as we always do.

My Abstract African SplatterThen there is one of my most favourite canvases ever!!  I came across a brightly coloured African Map of splatters on PINTEREST and was initially going to purchase it online until I realized it was simply to bright for my home (or, even, office) so I attempted to do it myself.

I die-cut the continent with my Silhouette and dabbed a variety of, yes neutral, paints at again Raw Canvas in 2013 then brought it home to spray and splatter it even more. and once again, love it!!

See this is why Pinterest is so brilliant to me, it is so full inspiration and ideas for one to jump off from.

What have you discovered, attempted and loved from Pinterest?? Do tell and share… I can’t wait to see what you have ‘Pinned’.

Thanks tons for checking in,



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