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Merry Month of March continues…


Origami Surprise…the 16th brought more unexpected gifts of magic and sweetness… like an origami bird made by my amazing new man’s newly acquired skill. This afternoon he surprised me with this little treasure. He really amazes me with his kindness and crazy thoughtfulness…. this day was fabulously capped off with a fun sleepover with J.

We went to Watermania for a couple hours of wave fun (oohh, and I caught a lung infection from an unknown inhalant… bizarre, but true… and was put on an antibiotic inhaler for 2 weeks) then we had quite a humorous discussion about dinner as we left. J seemed to feel that White Spot was the only option, til I spent some time discussing the accolades of Ricky’s and their grilled Cheese with Bacon and fries and gravy… which I had been craving for a number of hours… to which J announced; in his driest a-matter-of-fact tone… “Ya Ricky’s… not gonna happen”… OMG I almost peed my pants… he is 6 yrs old, where does he get this bravado from; let alone the terminology and dry sense of humour…
PhotoBombHowever as much as I enjoy this energy, this strength within him to voice his opinion; he needed to quickly learn that when his Auntie has a craving and more importantly, the one with the wallet; he will go where she wishes… which he happily went along with without any fuss or muss. I think sometimes he puts out his opinion just because he can but isn’t committed to the outcome at all.

Then when trying to capture this memory and photo of the moment, he once again showed all HIS SIX YR moxie and photo bombed my photo by licking my ear… uugghhh, whatever will I do with him…. except laugh regularly and love him unconditionally 🙂

(also we had a great time at the office the next day when J once again shocked me… it was the first time since his arrival he had ‘ a plan’ for photo shoot.
On his previous visit, I showed him some photos I got of him playing hockey and when the puck would hit him and the funny faces he would make… well, he decided that he wanted LOTS of pictures of his ACTION SHOTS …and here is the gallery of images at Flickr… NNNOOOO, there is no theatrical drama in his future at all…

AfricanRingsThen I rec’d the most amazing gift for my birthday …the most special napkin rings that scream of ME. 6 handcrafted African animals that look perfect on my table. I LOVE them. Then D and I spent the weekend in Seattle for a ton of birthday fun… view the next post. too much fun!!

Thank you again for stopping by,

Carole Mac

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