JEM PaperCrafting

Layout finally completed from Oct13

I eat my veggies there

As J reaches 7 1/2yrs old, and is FULLY embracing all that being 7 1/2… if you have hung out with a 7 yr old lately then you know what I mean. 🙂 He defnitely has his own ideas and opinions. Sometimes he surprises me by what comes out of his mouth and sometimes embarasses me, however I firmly believe in encouraging him to be himself in all areas so I am trying to sit back and let it all happen. Now that being said, I have had to put my foot down a couple times if he is being disrespectful (never to me, but to others i.e. waitress etc) but for the most part he is just testing boundaries and growing up.

But in these times, I am drawn to our simpler times and fun memories together… and the gazzilion scrapbook layouts I started and never finished.

This was a layout I started in Oct 13, and just finished it last month. (one of my goals for 2015 is to complete projects… and yes, I don’t need reminding that it was a goal from 2013 and 2014as well…lol). It a digital layout and sadly have no one idea whose products it is… maybe #OneLittleBird, looks like her style.

Here is the journalling …

You had another tooth ready to fall out any second, but tomorrow is Gr 1 picture day & your Mom was really concerned about it. So, as we headed to McDonald’s for dinner tonight, I asked you to try & chew on the other side of your mouth so you wouldn’t knock out your tooth accidentally. You thought about it for a second, then responded…

But I eat my veggies on that side.

It was such an innocent and quick response that I had no words. Man, does he have his Dad’s wit!!

Thanks for letting me share and for stopping by,


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