JEM Scrapbooking

It’s a NEW YEAR!!

2013-- The Possibilities Scrapbook Layout

2013-- The PossibilitiesI am crazy in love with New Year’s… the possibilities and the potential… the goals and resolutions to be made… the plans and adventures to prepare for…
Every yr, I re-evaluate my list of goals, wants, wishes, desires and simple hopes, and we know how much I love to re-evaluate!!!
One of my goals is to scrap more… not talk about it, not organize my supplies, not edit photos but ACTUAL memory/moment keeping and/or recording. So to stay on track as of 2pm on Jan 1st, I have completed 2, count them TWO pages already. The first one is naturally about the new year…I started it last night with a glass of one of my fav REDS (then promptly nodded off for a short nap before heading out for the night, where I promptly nodded off a couple times while at the dinner table). Today I finished it off with photos I changed to cartoons to keep the feeling of the page light and fun.

I started with one of the Anna’s Templates (No 79) as well as a bunch of her elements and brushes from different kits… I love using her stuff as a base or foundation and then ‘playing from there’.

Soccer Player with MadSkillsThe second one is a mash-up of 3 photos taken at J’s soccer game in November. It was a perfect crisp cool fall day – perfect for Auntie’s photo capturing and exceptional for a bunch of 5 yr olds to play soccer. J’s team won and he was demonstrating some MAD SKILLS- and he even scored a goal. I was struck by how humble they were with each goal and the win in general… it was all no big deal. It was also interesting that the coach made each boy play goal vs sticking one player in there for the whole game.

Here I used a freebie wood grain base paper from Crystal L at DHD then I blended the images into the background; changing the blending mode and opacity, added some elements from Big Ideas from Peppermint at the(dash)Lilypad (inside joke) and Life definition Brush from Anna and called it done… no fuss no muss

What do you think??

Thanks for checking in and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!


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