Pasta & Lifestyle

Summer’s Guilt Pleasures

Get Out Alive

So much has happened since my last post incl the rest of my bday celebrations, Hawaii, Mom’s visit, Victoria stay, Jay’s bday and more and I may post some highlights and then again may not… depends on whether or not time and desire allow 🙂

But this AM I woke up super early (3am…no friggin reason why) and no need to get to the office til 9am so blogging here I am.

Sangria IncognitoHad an unexpected change of plans last night and met a friend on the patio at the Boathouse for beverages and nibbles and it was sunny but not too hot… effin’ perfect, actually.

Dee and I have been enjoying sangria and have really enjoyed getting it into places like movies theatres, sitting at the beach with our custom ‘beverages’ incognito

We got to chatting about summer guilty pleasures … of course everyone in Vancouver has to be ‘patio-ing’… yep we have made a VERB of the word, but it truly is one of my most favourite things to do in the early evening BUT>> then I had to confess some of my others and you gotta know that TV is included in mine.

Ninja WarriorI love bad summer TV… well, some of it (not ALL because is really friggin brutal) but No 1 has to be Big Brother and although I used to be embarrassed to admit it; now I say it proudly… because as mentioned previously, there is worse out there… a lot worse….lol

Besides BB, I am crazy about the survival or fitness shows like Get out Alive and American Ninja Warrior – – I don’t need to tell you why – – you know that I am convinced I could do them both; if I really really wanted to 🙂 lol

What are your ‘summer guilty pleasures’? Do we share any?

Thanks for checking in,


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