New Thing Pasta & Lifestyle personal

1st of March

5 yrs ago...

I love March… well, secretly I LOVE March because its my birthday month but also because it’s the start of spring, and I finally have time to create or implement any new plans for this new year with the Christmas season and Valentine’s behind me. And let me tell you, I have BIG PLANS for this year!!

It’s funny …usually I am super excited about my birthday and I give no thought whatsoever to my age; but when typing 1st of March on the title here… it hit me, holy crap, I turn 45 this year. 45…that is really up there but I am so grateful that at this point in my life, I am as happy as I am. I effin’ love my life… but I am not gonna lie, it would be OK if I was a touch younger, a touch skinnier and had a touch less grey!!

When I look at this incredible photo from my Auntie’s house 5 yrs ago for my 40th birthday, I am struck by how much has happened in five short years. I have been on 2 African safaris, I took Mom to Chicago for her 60th birthday for the best girl’s weekend ever, went on an Alaskan Creative Cruise and accomplished more on my life goal list than any other 5yr period in my whole life. (hahaha but one thing to take note of – is that I am still wearing that sweatshirt almost weekly because it’s so cozy and comfy… it belonged to my boyfriend at the time this photo was taken…lol) Here’s to another ridiculously amazing 5 yrs that will put the last 5 to shame…

Blended PaintingHere is my latest painting from my class in North Vanc, I am trying to learn blending and not having a good time with it but still giving it a go on my own. Sadly the classes are all done now but I am thinking about doing more maybe later  …and Jilly, we still have to book ours and maybe one with Sherry!!
I am also currently playing with Art Journalling and seeing where that leads me and how much I will enjoy that.  Right now, (as this anything new) I am loving it and can’t wait to show you some samples.

March started with a fun day with friends out on Langley at a Charity Crop (stupidly, I can not remember what the charity was… I think it was for someone’s kids cheerleading group…or somethign similar) It was a great excuse for a few of us to get together to work on scrapbook layouts or cards for a concentrated 10hrs. I completed 7 LAYOUTS… I have never done that many layouts at one time EVER!!. I am very much embracing the concept of ‘done is better than perfect’.

WineFest2013Then the following week, we were off to another WineFest event, this one not as fabulous as the first couple but Dee and I still had a great time. She discovered a new favourite with Chateau Canada…agreeably icky name but good wine and I sadly didn’t find anything to rock my world.

ArtsyTemp79WineFestRS2I did end up making a page to commemorate our adventures at this yr’s fest … with the front being pretty tame and the journalling on the back (out of sight) explaining some real juicy details incl Dee’s face getting licked and my very very rough morning after our Brix Calif Dreamin event.

1-257I used one of  Anna’s Templates (79, I believe), her celbration kit  and some fun pics that Doris got so it came together quickly. The image on the side is the base that I was working with … I thought it would be fun tho show you where concepts can come from (even though I believe this was a Christmas template).

Thx for checking in, and here’s to an awesome MARCH ahead of us ALL



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