
A few more pics from East Afrcia-

Been home for a few weeks and have been working on creating a photo book of the trip and have come across a couple not yet posted…

A gorgeous Impala on the Mara

I love gazellas – all of them esp the Thompsons and the Impalas. This one was stunning, and walked right up to the truck

Young Impala

This one was much younger but equally precious…

Look at him grinning for the camera

A young studdly elephant bull

and a lovely family grazing at the river right outside of my ‘tent’ in Samburu

and here’s a family on the Mara – look at the colour difference from the ones in Samburu… clay in the Mara is grey and thats how they cool off; by spraying themselves with it.

Big Silly Grin

Did I post this already – love it even though its not a great composite photo but the hippo resting his head on the butt of another is so sweet and hilarious.

and this was an incredible moment – I sat on the porch on our Masai Mara lodge on the Mara River (also known as the River of Death) but this sweet scene unfolded in front of me as I enjoyed a cup of tea and devine sugar cookies… sorry, back to the hippos.

This Momma spent a good 20mins working with (or teaching) her lil baby to swim. He would work so work to paddle over to her and then she would push him away with her head and make him paddle back to her… it was really a lovely moment.

Common Zebra

This is a Common Zebra – found all over East Africa but during the migration… they are found by the hundreds on the Mara


Now this is a Grevy’s Zebra – it is only found in Samburu, look at his belly compared to the Common one… cool eh?!?! Look at how thin his stripes are in comparison… it also solves the big question as to whether zebras are white horses with black stripes or black horses with white stripes

thx again for looking,



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